Zoo Atlanta

Day Trips
Located in Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta is Atlanta's oldest cultural institution and one of Georgia's most beloved family destinations. Founded in 1889, the Zoo is one of the 10 oldest zoos in continuous operation in the U.S. Average annual attendance at this Atlanta attraction typically exceeds 700,000, and membership tops 27,000 households. Known for its leadership in the movement to provide naturalistic habitats for animals, Zoo Atlanta began a multi-million dollar redevelopment designed to give guests a tour of exotic destinations around the globe without ever leaving Atlanta. A leader in formal and informal education, the Atlanta Zoo in north Georgia is also a dynamic living laboratory for students of all ages.

Some of the Exhibits at Zoo Atlanta are:

The Ford African Rain Forest:
This houses the nation's largest collection of gorillas, with a total of 23 individuals. The gorillas live in distinct social groups over a 1.5-acre series of habitats, a lush natural environment that promotes behaviors similar to those observed in the wild. Eighteen gorillas have been born at Zoo Atlanta since the opening of The Ford African Rain Forest in 1988. Also located in The Ford African Rain Forest is The Living Treehouse, home to a colorful diversity of bird life in an open-air aviary, as well as guenons, lemurs, and critically endangered drills.

Trader's Alley: Wildlife's Fading Footprints
This thought-provoking pathway introduces guests to the global problem of the wildlife trade against the backdrop of a recreated Asian market, with breathtaking new views of many of the species affected by the trade. Highlights include two new sun bears, as well as Sumatran tigers and a clouded leopard....

800 Cherokee Ave SE,
Atlanta, GA 30315

Open Daily 10:00am - 3:30pm

 (404) 624-5600